Yep. It's my birthday. I'm 29. Today a waitress said I looked 19 and jovially told her to add 10 years, but please bring me my free ice cream. Ben and I went out to his parents house for labor day and he tricked me most delightfully with providing a place for Summit to stay the night there so we could come home and work on my new web page COMING SOON!!!!! Yay! so after sleeping in late, going for … [Read more...]
mildew and memories
OK, by this time you kind of have to know that gross and gag-worthy things follow me like shadows. Tonight as I as showering I got a whiff of something... Not quite sure what is was, I had recently bleached my shower so I supposed it must just be the nasty drain. Being in the 'ment has provided me with a few new nasal sensory opportunities, to say the least. The smell got a little stronger of … [Read more...]
daily insanity in questioning my ability to raise a child…
ah anal retentiveness. I have spent the morning looking up the lyrics to Summit's musical song toys because it annoys me to hear the stupid melody over and over and not know the words to sing to it. He will bring his little keyboard that plays twangy favorites such as "Twinkle Twinkle" "Polly Wolly Doodle" and "Looby Loo" among other child friendly tunes and want me to sing along. There is only … [Read more...]
my sweet
Summit has been obsessed with babies lately. Anytime he sees a stroller with a newborn crying in it, he rushes over, concerned. He peers in at it, then looks at the mom like he's wondering why they aren't doing anything about it. This makes for awkward moments as I pry his grimy hands off the side of the stroller, apologizing for my child and carry him, screeching, away. At home, he carries his … [Read more...]