prayer for the insecure


enough already. of the fluff and the intangible. I crave the real and the true in day-to-day interactions. Life is too short for the pretend versions, the make believe and the image projections. I'm drawn to people who are vulnerable in a healthy way, able to share the heart without expectation but offer the encouragement from a place of broken humility. I've been listening a lot to my … [Read more...]

Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine


my grandfather. death hasn't really touched my life- I know the rarity of having not really been affected by death other than pets is a rare luxury yet I feel completely unprepared for it now. about 6 weeks ago, in an almost literary foreshadowing of hard things to come, I wrote a latin prayer on my white board at work: REQUIEM aeternam dona ei eis, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei eis. … [Read more...]

Real Love Series: My Story, Part 3


read the previous installment here... Ben tilted his head, smiling quizzically, a little confused. His smile made my heart jump. I'll be honest here, I had tried to avoid him after the worship meeting. I had decided that suddenly I was a mature, confident woman who didn't need a man. (clearly evidenced by my avoidance...) Every deflection mechanism was in strongly in place and I was … [Read more...]

blooming weeds


I think part of chasing authenticity and truth occasionally has to delve into the cheesy and cliche sometimes. I'm a geek and love a good life analogy and I'm pretty sure almost every writer has used this one before.  Recently I realized that the only thing really in full bloom in my yard was a lovely crop of weeds in my flower bed and yard. You see, I love the poetry of hands dug deep in … [Read more...]