
I'm feeling fall. It's almost here. Today is warmer than it was suppose to be, but the sun is shining in an indirect way and leaves are floating on the breeze. When I walk, my feet send dry, tiny leaves skittering. The air is excited, holding back a secret, hand clasped over the mouth but whispering in my ear. Shadows bend and move, creeping forward. My blood moves in me, aware of the changes all … [Read more...]

What I’m listening to today:

I've been really falling for Muse lately. It's really the opposite of the type of music that I usually like and it was an acquired taste. When I first heard this song though, I felt it. I can't explain it, sometimes music takes me to a worshipful place even when it's not necessary worship music. My heart starts pounding and my skin prickles.  Love it or hate it, this song means something to me, … [Read more...]

Hello there!

Hello from my new world here at theBusyNothings.com! I felt that it was time to move up in the world and get a .com. It's what allllll the cool bloggers are doing these days. I surprised you didn't know that. So, yeah. I have no idea what to do now with this page, lol. All the coolness in the world without knowledge isn't necessarily a good thing. I am looking for a good programmer to help me … [Read more...]

potty training tales

Summit has been using the toilet for over a year now. Most of the time when I take him, he goes. He likes to flush the toilet so it's his reward for doing his business in the pot. Recently, I decided to take this a step forward and just get him out of diapers completely. Little did I know what a challenge this would become. For starters, I took him more frequently, yet, for some reason, this … [Read more...]