It was a misty morning, fog lay thick in the low areas and in scattered patches on the road. I pulled out of my house early that morning, on my way to high school. It was my senior year and I took early classes to get out at lunch. I was never much of a morning person though. I drove down the street and flipped on my blinker to turn right. In front of me I vaguely noticed a truck in the left lane … [Read more...]
Oh, toddler
It's here. The terrible two's. The throw-a-fit-over-anything stage is here and alive and well. I always thought people were exaggerating when they talked about a 2-year-old. I always enjoyed working in nursery with the 2 crowd. They were always so excited, easily amused and energetic. Yeah. I've lost count of how many times I've said no today. I swated his hand when after I told him 5 times … [Read more...]
new patches on old garmets
I wanted to write about being alive inside, what makes us feel invigorated and aware of life. I admit that so often I just cruise through- doing, doing doing and not just being. It's easy to get caught up in the tides of life, being pushed and pulled so many different directions we loose sight of who we are as individuals. We can get a lack of boundaries confused with serving. We can get … [Read more...]
…and then

I got to go see Muse and U2 in concert in New Jersey very unexpectedly! I know! Mere days after posting the Muse video, there I was, among almost 100 thousand people, singing and cheering my voice hoarse. Things like this don't happen to me, people. Do you know "that" person, you know, the one that you are slightly jealous of and are like, "why doesn't that ever happen to me? very grrr." and … [Read more...]