I started to write a post on depravity- how it's only in the realization of how truly in need of God we are that our relationship with him can bloom when... ...over the monitor Sum was NOT napping after a long while so I checked on him. He was buck naked, delighted with his uncanny ability to take off his PINNED ON fleeced zip-up and diaper. And he peed in his bed. So, I'm doing laundry now in … [Read more...]
taking a moral stand. #Fail
While at Walgreens the other day, I was annoyed to see that they had a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition promo box full of magazines near the check out, not in the magazine aisle. Normally, I hate being "that" person so I would have ignored it, but the fact that it was positioned at my almost 3-year-old's eye level really ticked me off. In fact he tried to take a copy for himself, thus alerting … [Read more...]
First Day of School

Need I say more? I was a mess. I've known for almost 2 years that he'd be starting at his therapy center's pre-school when he turned 3 but somehow the starting 2 months before his actual birthday was harder than I thought it would be! I know its for the best, but my selfish side wants to keep him at home. It's a humbling thing, to feel protection so strong, but know that keeping him isn't … [Read more...]
emotional vacation, please
I hate the kind of people who run from one crisis to another. I mean, where is their faith? They are annoying and always seem to be complaining, needing prayer and are not much fun to be around. I am *totally* that person. That sucks. I'm not ready to give up my toddler. He will be three in May and I've known for 2 years that he'd start full-time daycare at that time and it's for the best- … [Read more...]