Hello friends! It's been a long spring hasn't it? or is that just me? It seems these days all I do is delete spam comments off my blog so if you have sent me a nice comment, don't take it personally that I've deleted it. I'm beginning to feel my creative juices flowing again through my veins 2 weeks out from Sawbaby being born. I'm feeling alive inside again, which is actually kind of … [Read more...]
Baby Bug

"Bug", 8 lbs 6 oz 20 1/2 inches long He's bright eyed and perfect, isn't he? :) Older brother "Bear" 3, loves "his" baby. That is, until he gets tired of him and throws him aside... we're working on this... … [Read more...]
I've said it before, I'll say it again. This baby inside of me will be a creative genius. I have never in my life had so little to say. Blogging is a chore for me these days, I'm desperate to think of something to say and fall so miserable short. So, honestly, here I am again, embarrassed to tell you, my 5 loyal followers, that nothing is going on. Other than... -Sum being sick all … [Read more...]
Well, then
Today I went to pick up Sum from school. I ran into his favorite occupational therapist in the hallway who loves him just as much as he loves her. She has actually told me that he and the other little boy with WS are her two favorites, she has had them since they were babies. We started talking as we walked towards the classroom and she told me that when she dropped off another child in his … [Read more...]