I told a lady at the medical walk in clinic it felt like a Monday. Today has been one of those days I'd like to forget. I've lost my temper more than I can remember in general but especially with the 3 year old, I feel like crap and I just want to be LEFT ALONE. I yelled at Ben when he followed me into our room with the 8 month old. I just wanted 10 minutes of "ME" TIME! There is this giant … [Read more...]
Gluten/Egg/Dairy Free Cajun Style Dish

All my food looks the same these days! Just little differences here and there! Lol I call everything "dish" cause I don't know what else to call it, I make it in one huge skillet cause I hate doing dishes. Summit loves it too and it's very tasty! It'd be great with a side salad. I think the trick is to mince the veggies and season well so one flavor isn't too strong for the picky eaters. I used … [Read more...]
Goodbye Twenties, you were grand.

There isn't much to write when your kid is teething. It's kind of all -consuming. I hate to say this because those of you who don't have kids don't want to read that your future child's teeth getting will most likely be ALL that you do for a week, but alas, it's so. You do what you can but ultimately you may sit on the couch for a week with part of your hand in your child's mouth. Seriously, don't … [Read more...]
Never did I ever say I was a great mom anywhere
I've decided to not say that I'm back anymore writing on here because a.) I have proved myself a liar in that area and b.) I hate liars. As I'm trying to be more positive and less self-depreciating, the whole not-lying-about-being-back bit is where I feel I should be. SO, I'm sort of back in a sense that I'm HERE writing right now, but I sure don't know when I'll be back. I don't like pressure. … [Read more...]