I hate insurance companies. Are there any of you out there that know how to deal with them? seriously, I’ll PAY you.
now, let’s see, we just found out that even though Summit’s doctor is in-network, the surgery facility is out-of-network. What the blankidy blank?? I’m going to try to get an exception, do other stuff I don’t know really how to do, and basically either decide to pay the extra thousands (I don’t have) or cancel the surgery and go to St. Louis or somewhere else approved by my insurance company. geez louise. Perhaps his surgery won’t be happening next month after all.
on another note: I just got back from changing a dirty diaper, I ignored Summit’s cries to poo on the toilet, (I didn’t KNOW he had to poop, I just though he was being WHINY) and apparently I didn’t get all the foil off the baked sweet potato he ate yesterday. Hmmmm. I hope that isn’t poisonous. Either that was the case or he ate a little glitter. I don’t know where he’d get the glitter though so I’ll go with the first option.